Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Notes from National Bargaining Week 2

Here we are again, this time in Burlingame, and we are starting to reach some common ground in the LMP subgroup. As if it isn't difficult enough to develop common interests between labor and management, just add other unions and bargaining units within our union to complicate the process! Our members and observers are eager to tell our stories of success and failure of the LMP, but some members were not thrilled with "anecdotes", and chastised others to not try and "micro bargain" the LMP. Our labor caucus developed a sound set of interests and options that we felt were critical:
Themes were funding, accountability, and transparency. Labor wants to ensure that management is contributing their fair share, as well as sharing fairly. In other words "show us the money"! Where is it coming from, and how is it allocated. We were given a presentation on the LMP Trust, 2/3 of which is funded by labor.
The accountability piece involves both sides being held fully accountable for successful UBTs. We are asking for a sophisticated research process to determine the best new model for health care, not necessarily the brand.
I believe that our strongest common interest is using the Partnership to expand our model into new markets. This is clearly a potential win-win for both sides- a vibrant, growing organization with market and job stability.
Staying focused and unified has been challenging. Management was blown away by our proposals, and I think mainly because they were so good- realistic and comprehensive. They needed some extra time tonight to caucus and digest the latest round of information.
Tonight, our UHW Caucus was positive. The Attendance subgroup is being pressured to give up front loaded sick leave, and are being asked to develop some other options. That seems to be the one issue management wants labor to give back. Other unions use PTO/ETO, as does our unit, the IBHS salaried Mental Health Providers.
We reconvene tomorrow at 9:00 A.M.
More later. Bear with me, I will get more specific tomorrow night.